Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Waiting Is The Hardest Part

Wow, Tom Petty was right. It has been a little over a week since I was informed I was no longer needed at ASU. After 13 years of service, the powers at be decided my entire operation was closing down. So, I am soon to be one of the many people who have lost their jobs because of the budget crunch. Then, the next day, I decided to have my knee replacement surgery at the end of the month. Now, I sit home, very uncomfortable with knee pain and wait for the surgery on March 30.
It has been really tough to sit down and add a post to this page this past week. I was not sure what direction to go. I have watched a lot of TV, yes, too much. And I watch sports and news. Yes, I have opionons of what is happening on those two types of stations. Where is Sam The Cooking Guy when I need him? I ask myself, do I comment on the days events? Do I trash the people who were instrumental in my being let go? Do I hammer the President because he is not doing it the way I want him to? Do I add my take on the sports happenings? By the way, I may only be a quarter Dutch, but I sure enjoyed watching the Netherlands advance in the WBC tournament.
I figure I should Wait. Wait for a time I really feel passionate about something before I comment and not make a comment just to make a comment. This idea may change in a few days if I get ambitious enough to post. But for now, I will not trash the people who told me unceremonously I was being sent packing. I wont tell the President I think he still acts like a candidate and not the President of the US of A. And for today, I wont give my take on the spoiled(not all), underhanded(just a few), underacheiving(some) athletes who are hurting the sports we love to watch and follow.
And I continue to wait what God has in store for me in the coming days, weeks and months.

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