Tuesday, June 2, 2009


This past week end was one of those times we went to both services. Regular and 3F. We went Saturday evening with Sandi and Steven. We all had that feeling of if we went Saturday night, we can "take Sunday off". Well, after listening to Jeremy talk on Unity that evening, I felt I needed to also listen to how Cal approached it. You know how you sit there listening to the sermon and either thinking, "oh I hope Jean is listening to this" or "Oh I wish so-and-so could hear this, it really pertains to them". Of course, that is the opening to the next thought. Shut up and listen yourself, this is about you.
By the way, the "OTHER" refers to a short list of traits we all have that stand in the way of progress for a church. Gossip, Slander, Judging, Self-centeredness, Short-sightedness. Nope, that's not me.. Oh yeah. I am guilty of something OTHER than what was listed. The OTHERS always get me.
The Church, not the organization we belong to at the time, but the real Church was made by Jesus. He left the church to do His work. If I am the one who is standing in the way of God's work, then it isn't fighting the elders of Central, but I am trying to prevent God from doing the good He has promised.
I need to be more open to what God has in store for me and my family and the church I attend and not so closed to God's leading.
Thanks again, Jeremy and Cal, for words I needed to hear, Twice.

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