Wednesday, February 25, 2009

22 words

One blog I visit on a regular basis is Abraham Piper's 22 Words.
This is his post for today, asking this question
Getting nostalgic ahead of time: What still exists that you’re afraid will disappear?
February 25, 2009 at 8:22 am · Filed under Miscellanea, Questions

What things will you miss that you think will probably disappear in your lifetime?

Letter-writing, hymnals, properly spoken English, light-bulb-shaped light bulbs?

Here is what I added......
Home delivered newspapers
Pitchers hitting in baseball
My 100 year old grandmother
Fair and balanced reporting
Two-buck Chuck
My Health

I would like to see what others have to answer this question. You can visit 22 words at

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Yes Officer, I will sign the ticket

That's me talking to the Highway Patrolman in Quatrzsite. What a way to beging a road trip.
Well, we began our road trip Friday morning. Three cars. We are on our way to Santa Maria for my grandmother's 100th birthday. Just outside of Quartzsite, i got a speeding ticket. Officer was very profssional. I figured this was not the time to try to be funny or say anything sacrcastic. I signed the ticket, got back on the road and was the recipient of many jokes for the rest of the week end. It will add a few dollars to our trip. And I didnt even know the old trailbazer could go 90.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Presidential Suite

I have an idea for the next time our president visits our great state. This will save the American tax payer alot of money too. Instead of paying $4000.00 for the night in the Presidential Suite, he can stay in my extra bedroom for much less in Mesa.
He could have had the run of the place that evening before his Mesa speech because we were at a Small Group Bible Study talking about prayer and the evil influences on our American and Christian ideals. We wouldn't have bothered him when we got home and he would have had a very peaceful and safe(after all, the Mesa police helicopter is usually flying overhead for something)time to himself and his most loyal secret service personnel. Our wine list would not have been as extensive as the hotel's(you know, the bankrupt one), as we only buy the Walmart and Trader Joes brands.
But he would have enjoyed his stay none-the-less and the next morning I could have used my "furlough hour" from ASU to make him breakfast before his SHORT trip to Dobson High School.
Shouldn't we all be doing our part for the US of A? By the way, the prayer time was very good and uplifting.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Take Them Away From The Ball Game

Here is my plan to help get rid of the threat of steroids in Major League Baseball...
When all the players report to Spring Training this month take a test. It will take a few weeks to test every sample. But it will all be completed before the beginning of the season. Any one who tests positive will be suspended 81 games, one half the season. When that player returns to the team, he will will be tested again. If he is positive again, he will, first, be presented his I Am An Idiot card. Then, he will be suspended for the rest of the season. If the test is negative, the player is allowed to rejoin his team.
First positive...... 81 games
Second positive within five years.... Season
Third Positive...... Out of baseball, thank you, good bye
Too costly? Too harsh? Too time consuming? Do they want to fix the problem?

Blog As You Are

Okay, I know hardly anyone will visit this blog. This is all about me. So, I guess it is all right for me to give my opinion about any topic that I want. So, that is what i will do. They will be my opinions and I hope any one who reads them will let me know what they think about them. The only way i will learn is for people to let me know where I am right on and where I need to look at something differently. Please feel free to tell me where I am all wet.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


It was a beautiful day last Saturday and Dylan hung out with Popi. We decided a trip to the park was a great idea. So we packed some juice and a spare diaper and hooked up the wagon and went to the park. The wagon ride was very enjoyable. Dylan was okay on the swing, but unsure on the slide. He really didn't like the rocking toy. After a little rest in the shade of a tall tree, we went home for treats and TV.

Dylan's First Birthday

We celebrated Dylan's, the grand boy, first birthday last Sunday. He got too many gifts and his cake was way too big to eat. All the gifts were appreciated and we all had a great time. And he had fun with the cake. Grammie and Popi enjoyed the time and his mom and dad had so many family and friends over. He is a great kid. His next adventure is to go visit his 100 year old grand mother. He will enjoy the oatmeal that she will make for him. She gets up every day and makes her oatmeal and eats her prunes. He loves his oatmeal so they will get along very well. His mommy did a great job with decorations and refreshments. The cup cakes tasted good and we all fit in their new home.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Old Friends, sat on a park bench..........

Wow, I was reading in Danny Dodson's blog about him finding an old friend through the computer. As a matter of fact, I found some old friends too. I remember Fred and Dawn's wedding in North Hollywood, California. It served as a reunion, of sorts, for all of our old San Fernando First Baptist friends. That was over 30 years ago. Fred is Pastor of the Grace Harbor Church in Tustin, California. That is a cool thing to find out your friend is doing exactly what you knew God wanted him to do. Yeah, as if I had something to say about it. But Fred is a great example of someone being open to where God wants them. I hope to keep in touch with my old friend.