Wednesday, September 29, 2010


I have mentioned before that I am a fan of Tomorrow's Reflections, the personal blog of Jeremy Jernigan, one of our teaching pastors at Central. He made a point of bad starts and good results in his most recent offering and it got me to reflect on some other bad starts in history.

It made me think of Dodger Stadium. To this day, it is still known as the Crown Jewel of Baseball. Right before it was opened, someone noticed they did not add drinking fountains. So, they had to add the fountains. Sure, if people got thirsty, they could always go to the concession stands. But they felt it was the honorable thing to do to add the fountains.

My dad would go to the stadium and, along with many other people, would stand behind the left field pavillion and watch the game through a chain link fence for free. Sort of an updated version of the knot hole gang. When that was discovered, the chain link was quickly replaced by other fencing and the freebies were gone. Score one for free water, take a point away for having to pay to get to the free water fountains.

Some of the early concerns and problems could have caused many people to not want to return to Dodger Stadium, other wise known as the Crown Jewel of Baseball. But millions have attended a game there and millions still do each year. It is good that someone's first impression is not always lasting. they are important but not lasting. I am glad God has given me, at least, a chance to overcome people's first impressions of me. it hasnt always worked out well, but there is that chance.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


I don't know if I have mentioned this. But I have had some free time this past year. I was just sitting around the other day and said to myself, "Self, what are your favorite war movies? You know, the ones you think about watching again and again when you are in the mood to watch war movies".
So as not to disappoint myself or keep myself waiting, I compiled a list for myself. I will publish that list. I am not so presumptuous to think anyone who reads my list may be inclined to add their own. But, hey, stranger things have happened.

GREG'S FAVORITE WAR MOVIES: (not in any particualr order)
1. Kelly's Heros
2. The Great Escape
3. Hell Is For Heroes
4. The Best Years Of Our Lives
5. Sands Of Iwo Jima
6. Here To Eternity
7. Hell To Eternity
8. Guadelcanal Diary
9. To Hell And Back
10. Casablanca

Friday, September 10, 2010


I know we have all heard, and probably used, the term, "Between a Rock and a Hard Place". Eugene Peterson of the Washigton Post just used it in describing a situation that the President is in. I wonder how that became a negative term.

It seems if we are between the Rock and a hard place, wouldn't that mean we are between Jesus, the solid rock and the firm ground that we should build our house, or live our life?

Psalm 18:2 says, "The Lord is my Rock and my Fortress and my Deliverer, my God and my Rock, in whom I take refuge. My Shield and the Horn of my Salvation, my Stronghold." That sounds like a good place to be.

In Matthew 7:24-27, Jesus tells us to build our house on solid ground, the rock, so to speak. Not on the sandy, unstable ground. That way, when the storms come, which there will be many in our lives, the house will stay standing.

That tells me that being between a rock and a hard place is a good thing.