Friday, June 4, 2010

A Perfect Ending

Something hapenened this week that was a great example of how important baseball is to real life and how it mirrors real life. An Umpire missed a call. The story should have ended right there. A human being made a mistake.

Baseball is a timeless game. No clock running. Played by two sets of individuals who are human, who sometimes are successful, and most times not. It is guided by human beings. Those in the supervising aspect of the game make wrong decisions. it is the most human of any endeavor in reallife.

When an umpire misses a call, and i say it is so rare, it may or may not effect the outcome of that particular game. But if it does, another game is played within one or two days. it is truly a lesson of pcking ourselves up and moving on with real life.

With TV contracts, unqualified people becoming owners and even commissioners, we are watching the gran old game fall a victim to the same fate of all the other sports. When it becomes automated, what do we have to look forward to? Do we slip a tape in and watch the super-graphics?

I am sorry the young pitcher was deprived of the honor of pitching a perfect game. But in its inperfection, Baseball can continue to be the perfect game.

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