Tuesday, January 25, 2011


I am really looking forward to Mark Batterson's visit to Central at the Prayer Conference. I am reading one of his books and I continue to pick up tidbits of teaching and wisdom from his writings. As usual, some of his points are things I have heard many times. Sometimes timing and willigness play a role in how I receive the truth.

Here is something I read today.....Satan wants to remind you of your greatest failures over and over again. Why? Because if you focus all of your energy on past failures, you'll have no energy left over to dream kingdom dreams or pursue kingdom purposes.

I do not have Biblical references to this thought, but I have always thought that Hell is a land of continual regrets. "If only; Why did I; Just one more time;...etc

So many times I read in Facebook posts by people of Grace, people living that second chance, staff and members alike, who still are so caught up in their guilt. So despondant about their failures, so sorry about underacheiving. It is so sad.

Depending on God, chasing the Holy Spirit(Wild Goose, read the book), following Jesus is an adventure. We are slaves to Christ. To some that still has a negative connotation. I am proud to be a bond servant for Christ and, boy, do I have fun.

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